Jessica Camacho
2 min readMay 2, 2022


"One, nowhere is perfect. I knew that before, but now I really know it."

--Absolutely. Nowhere is perfect. I think people forget, or somehow believe, that location XY or Z--for Americans their default is anywhere in Europe--is without fault. It's built up in the imagination when every place has a history, and present, that cannot possibly fit our every desire or wish . . . Plus there is something to be said about being *on vacation* versus actually living/working someplace.

"Second, it’s not about finding the perfect destination. It’s about finding somewhere that gives you more opportunities to live a better life than you have now."

--THIS! Places change, and so do we. I lived in Las Vegas for 10 years, it took a bit to find my community and love, but I did. I absolutely loved living there. I have long thought, even dreamed about, going back. I recently returned from a visit and it hit me: it had changed so much since I left 4 years ago. And a trusted friend chimed in and said: so have you.

Does Vegas still have what I need, or want?

*Low-cost of living (in comparison to California)? *Steady, well-compensated work?

*Limited traffic? Free parking?

*Affordable housing?

*Learning oppotunities? Community?

-- I'm not sure about all of this anymore, but I do that all of that was true. And I know those things exist in places I have been to . . . and a few places I have been thinking about to visit, and maybe move to . . .

Maybe it would be helpful to find the perfect destination for this chapter or season, rather than a lifetime destination as well . . .



Jessica Camacho

Writer of intertwining topics—things are much more interconnected than we realize . . .